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DAY 11: Honouring the Women in Your Life

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Today’s practice is about taking the time to honour the women in your life. When we strengthen the sacred mother lineage that carries the wisdom of the feminine spirit, we strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and help lift each other up towards our highest potential, both individually and collectively.

Honouring and appreciating each other, lets us move beyond the collective voice in us that is often viciously critical of the feminine. When we acknowledge each other’s value, we find ourselves embracing acceptance, diversity and our collective gifts.

Like so many of these practices, you can adapt and create something that is resonant and meaningful to you. Watch today’s 3:34 minute video to inspire your own honouring of the women in your life.

I also wanted to share this beautiful song with you – the Circle of Women by Nalini. Here are the lyrics:

May all mothers know that they are loved
And may all sisters know that they are strong
And may all daughters know that they are worthy/beautiful/powerful
That the circle of women may live on / That the fire of the goddess may burn on!

As you create your practice today, maybe play this in the background. So powerful!

Once you’ve created your honouring practice, report back!


From my heart to yours,



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[progressally_objective_completion percentage=”100″]Great! Today is all done![/progressally_objective_completion]


© 2018 Carla Wainwright.