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DAY 3: Shakti Shaking

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Ooooh, today I’m sharing one of my all time favourite practices…shaking! I love to shake.  It nourishes my soul, supplies my body and mind with tons of energy, and opens me into sensations of deep freedom, joy and ecstasy.  This is what I feel when I experience a shaking practice:

“Structures of the mind release,
The reservoir of habits dissolves.
In an instant, lifetimes of patterns
Vanish.” ~ Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (59)

An instinctive movement within all of us, shaking has been used by cultures all over the world for centuries to release trauma in the body, to increase circulation of life force energy, and to open into expanded states of consciousness. The good news is that there is no ‘right’ way to shake – if you let yourself get loose and wobbly, you’ve got it!

Tune in and explore this 5:42 minute video to join me in some shaking action!

Remember, you can do this for several minutes or even longer – some cultures practice for hours! But if your life doesn’t afford you lots of practice time, a micro-practice of shaking for 1-2 minutes whenever you feel disconnected, drained, tired, or need to clear your energy field will always feel amazing.

Adding music can always enhance the experience, here are some of my favourite tracks:

Can’t wait to hear how you feel after this practice! Be sure to post about your experience on social media and participate in the conversation in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY.

Keep shakin’ sisters and see you in Day 3!

From my heart to yours,



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© 2018 Carla Wainwright.