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DAY 9: Yoni Heart Circulation Breath

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Yesterday we channeled earth and cosmic energy into the body. Today we are going to alchemize that energy within the second and fourth chakras to really feel juicy and alive!

This is an energizing practice – a great pick me up if you need it. Although if you are on your moon (menstruating), you may feel called to do the breath in a more gentle way and skip the yoni squeezing. Always good to do a check in before starting any practice and see if you are being given a green light go ahead from your body.

Here we go!

Wow – that always feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I’m so curious about your experience? Did you feel self conscious at first? Were you able to let go and really get into it?  Share what you find out with me in our Facebook community. Maybe even post a video of you going full out with the practice!


From my heart to yours,




P.S. It can be so powerful to share your experience in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY. Your words may be just the inspiration another woman needs to dive deeper into the practices and into herself.

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[progressally_objective_completion percentage=”100″]Great! Today is all done![/progressally_objective_completion]


© 2018 Carla Wainwright.