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DAY 7: Honouring the Ancestors of the Land

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Day 7 – we‘ve passed the ½ mark in our journey!

If you have been experiencing some resistance to making space for our journey, or struggling with the practices, I want to let you know that I absolutely understand. Opening into a new way of being, or even making time for yourself in a very busy life can be uncomfortable. But know there is beauty and rich learning in being feeling this way. Stay with it. This feeling will pass and you will experience more ease and flow on the other side. Promise!

Today we are going to take some time to honour the ancestors of the land we live upon. For some of us, we may be direct descendants of the people who lived here long before, and for others our families may have more recently arrived and the ancestors of the land will be from other cultures and traditions than our own. Acknowledging the stewards and ancestors of the land is a powerful practice of respect and reminds us of our important connection to where we live.

This is an opportunity to give thanks, to consider our individual and collective role in the stewardship of Mother Earth and to build relationships with others, particularly indigenous people and communities if you live in certain parts of the world.

No matter where you live, the practice of acknowledging and honouring the ancestors of your unique part of the planet is profoundly healing – for both people and the earth. Take 3:49 minutes to watch the video below for some ideas and inspiration.

A couple of resources for you:

Please share more about the ancestors of the land where you call home. Or tell us about your honouring actions. Or maybe you aren’t sure and need some help – so many opportunities to collaborate on ideas here! Be sure to share in our Facebook community.  

From my heart to yours,



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© 2018 Carla Wainwright.