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DAY 13: Closing

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Congratulations, you did it! I have so much gratitude for you dear Sister, thank you for making the commitment to YOU these past 13 days.

Today’s final practice has 2 parts. In the first part I invite you to drop into reflection with some guided questions. In the second part I close our circle with some drumming. Grab your notebook and pen and watch this 6:06 minute video.

Here are the 4 journaling questions for today:

  1. What I am learning about myself from this 13 day journey is…
  2. What my body wants to tell me is…
  3. What my yoni wants to tell me is…
  4. What I appreciate about my connection to the Divine Feminine is…

And of course, please journal on anything else that you would like to capture about your experience these past 13 days.

My hope is that these practices have awakened your feminine desires and that you are inspired to continue creating space for yourself, to take time to practice connecting to your essence and to continue exploring the mysteries of the Divine Feminine.

Sister, know that this is only the beginning. There is so much more that awaits you as you soften into your feminine essence – more connection, more embodiment, more pleasure, more inspiration, more ease, more flow, more sweetness, more balance, more Shakti.

Practice. Share with your community. Be the inspiration that our girls, sisters, mothers and grandmothers need right now.

I’d love to know more about how these past 13 days changed you. Your successes, your challenges, everything!  Hop on over to our community FACEBOOK GROUP, and let me know!

From my heart to yours,




P.S.  The Embracing Shakti Movement is exactly that, a movement – a group of women supporting one another and wanting to affect change in ourselves and in the world around us. Sisterhood is about staying connected. Keep sharing your experiences, your questions, your vulnerabilities…keep sharing YOU.

[progressally_complete_button text=’MARK DAY 13: DONE’ objective_id=’all’]

[progressally_objective_completion percentage=”100″]Great! Today is all done![/progressally_objective_completion]


© 2018 Carla Wainwright.