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DAY 4: Inner Listening – Pelvic Bowl

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Here we are at Day 4!

Today we start to explore how we can cultivate deep inner listening of the body. I learned this practice from my dear teacher Shakti Malan. As women, we have the capacity to attune into our bodies, to be able to cultivate deep inner listening as a way to discern what is true and what is not true. We can listen from the Pelvic Bowl, the Heart and the Third Eye – the 3 feminine Chakras. Today we will practice inner listening from the Pelvic Bowl.

Before we begin, I want to share the 3 important elements of deep listening.

  1. Deep listening requires stillness. This is essential – we cannot truly find out feeling sense or listen in a disembodied way. Give yourself the space to drop into the centre of your body. It might take practice to find stillness, that’s ok! With time and practice you will find you can get there easily.
  2. Once in stillness, you give yourself permission to become profoundly open to receive. This is a quality of the feminine – the capacity to be like a flower that simply opens and softens to receive without judgement, without preference, without an opinion of how things should be and without the intention of trying change things. Simply receiving things as they are there.
  3. As there are 3 ways we can listen from our inner landscape, you might find that one way is not as strong as the others. This is natural. Be open and accepting of your experience and the lessons that come with it.

OK – let’s dive in!

Such a juicy practice – how was it for you? Share your results and insights in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY. Want to let others know what you are up to? Post on Social Media using #EmbracingShaktiMovement and tag me @carlawainwright.

Tomorrow we will explore listening from the heart – can’t wait!

From my heart to yours,




P.S. Have you checked in with our Embracing Shakti Movement Community on Facebook? Take a few moments right now to check in with your tribe of sisters on how the journey is going for you.

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© 2018 Carla Wainwright.