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DAY 12: Communing with the Great Mother

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Day 12 – we are almost there!

As we being to move towards the end of our journey, today I am sharing a deeply grounding practice to help you connect to your womb and to the earth, the Great Mother below. Being grounded means that you are present in your life. Your energy is firmly rooted into the earth and you feel a deep sense of support, connecting, strength and balance.

Earthing has so many benefits – from reducing inflammation, supporting restful sleep, lowering stress levels and greatly improving our sense of wellbeing. There is even extensive literature on the benefits of earthing in many scientific journals! While most descriptions of earthing speak to walking on the earth in bare feet – a women, we can uplevel our connection to the earth and her healing energy by consciously connecting our wombs to her.

As I explain in the video, this practice can be done both inside and outside. Outside is incredibly powerful, as we are able to soak in the direct experience of nature through all our senses. However if the weather does not allow you to be outside, earthing inside with focused intention can be just as powerful.

To learn how to commune with the Great Mother, watch today’s video.

So go ahead and make your nest for today’s practice. My recommendation is a minimum of 5 minutes, 13 or more is even better. Take the time you need to relax, drop in and receive.

As always, share how today’s practice went in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY. Maybe share 5 descriptive words that describe the feeling and sensations you experienced.

From my heart to yours,



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© 2018 Carla Wainwright.