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DAY 8: Sun/Earth Shakti Salutations

Hello [accessally_user_firstname],

Today I am going to take you through a simple and powerful movement experience to help you honour both the earth and sun using the temple of your body. In this practice we connect earth and cosmic energy while opening the second chakra. We also create a potentized alignment of yoni (the female sexual organs)  the sushumna (the main energy channel of the body) and the crown (which holds the seventh chakra).

This practice can be done anywhere, although like many of these practices, if you are able to be outside in bare feet on the earth, that can make it extra juicy. You may want to put on a big flowing skirt or dress and skip the underwear! I always find this makes me feel extra powerful.

Ready? Let’s go!

Once you’ve done today’s practice, get connected! What did you notice in your body? Any particular sensations? What was asking to be present during and after?

Post about your experience and participate in the conversation in our FACEBOOK COMMUNITY

From my heart to yours,



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© 2018 Carla Wainwright.